The Hon. Sandra Husbands M.P. - St. James South
A Woman Who Cares. Â A Woman For A Time Like This
The Party Insider
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Devaluation of The Barbados Dollar
BLP General Secretary, Senator Dr. Jerome Walcott has clearly put the Party's position on the devaluation of the Barbados dollar.
The Barbados Labour Party is totally against the devaluation of the Barbados dollar.
We have never advocated this because we believe it would destroy this country and forever ruin the quality of life of all Barbadians. Â For us, retaining the exchange rate of BDS$2 to US$1 is sacred. Â It is non-negotiable!
Of Promises and Performance
For a Better Future
The Barbados Labour Party has a proud first and only. Â We are the first and only political party in Barbados that has reviewed its performance at the end of a term of office and documented its successes. Â Promises and Performance
March With Us
Show Your Disgust
Enough is Enough.  March with us to show your disgust.
Mar 11, 2017